About us

R.O.S. Software was founded in 1990 with the goal to develop software for MIDI and audio applications. Our first project “MIDI Sample Translator” was developed for the Atari 1040ST platform. Around 1995 we developed “CDFX”, a library and sound search program which could control CD-chargers, and “EDList”, a software for the manipulation of CMX EDL’s and re-conform processing on a Fairlight MFX3 system. The development for our Teatro software started in 1998. Our agenda for the final application  has always been:

  • extreme stability during live usage
  • short learning curve and easy operation
  • quick implementation of customer feature requests
  • customer friendly licensing

Our customers are constantly confirming that we have successfully realized all these goals. For upcoming Teatro versions we are planning further advanced and future-orientated features.